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Creating a 3D Post-it® note sculpture

Creating a 3D Post-it® Note sculpture

When Jeff Cerica got his 3D design class assignment – to take 500 pieces of something and create a sculpture – he knew pretty fast that Post-it® Notes were going to be his medium.

  • Two weeks and 800 Post-it® Notes later, his incredible chameleon was complete.

    Two weeks and 800 Post-it® Notes later, his incredible chameleon was complete.

  • Jeff has been drawing and creating since he was about six, so he’s no stranger to making the world more beautiful. Over the years, he’s moved from drawing to painting to 3D digital art, where he hopes to eventually make his living.

    While Jeff plays around with sculpture sometimes, he prefers digital design because it’s less messy than clay or wax – which is part of the reason he chose Post-it® Notes to complete his assignment. That and the fact that origami is something he does on a regular basis as a way to keep his hands busy. In fact, he’s left paper cranes in more classrooms than he can count, since he makes them during class to keep himself alert during lectures. And since, in his words, “Post-it® Notes are the perfect size” for origami, they’re what he uses for his creations.

    Jeff has been drawing and creating since he was about six, so he’s no stranger to making the world more beautiful.

  • Jeff’s incredible chameleon ended up taking him about two weeks to make. The sculpture’s built from tiny triangles, each one constructed of Post-it® Notes, that are glued together around a hollow space in the middle. Jeff designed the whole construction himself, and, while he initially wanted to add a background of Post-it® Notes that the chameleon could “blend into,” he ran out of time before the assignment was due.

    But it was worth all the effort for the great end result – now in the possession of Jeff’s lucky cousin, who he promised the sculpture to when he started putting it together.

    What’s next for Jeff? Well, aside from studying 3D digital design at the University of Central Florida, he’s already been working on another Post-it® Note sculpture—a hummingbird. We can’t wait to see what he creates next.

    We can’t wait to see what he creates next.


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